
This is a list of projects for L1 (Level 1, or first year Art students) and L2 (second year students). Included in the list are links to each project, including YouTube videos, where I've created them.

1. Create/Update & Share Website

2. Welcome Page Update (website)

3. Adding Pages to Google Sites

4. Adding Links in Google Sites

5. About Me Slides

6. "AlphaZenHandleBet" Final Draft

7. "AlphaZenHandleBet" Final

8. L2-Pattern Landscape Comp

9. Daily Doodle (Warm-Up) Drawings: 1

10. L2-Pattern Landscape Final

11. Pattern Landscape Painting Final

12. Organizing Your Google Drive

13. Daily Doodle (Warm-Up) Drawings: 2

14. Final "AZHand" Project-Kleki

15. Grogu Sketch

16. Sketches Slides Checkup

17. Speedy Gonzalez

18. Soccer Cartoons

19. Tiger Portrait

20. Trojan 1

21. "DinoSoccer" Sketch

22. Daily Doodle (Warm-Up) Drawings_3

23. Trojan Armor

24. Daily Doodle (Warm-Up) Drawings_4

25. Final: Trojan Totem

Summer at Henry

Participating Teachers, please click the Logo to upload photos of Patrick Henry's Intern Experience. Thank you. (or this link).