Copy of 2023-2024_Daily Objectives
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Welcome to Clark Middle School's Art page. 

My name is Mr. Wing, and I teach 6th, 7th and 8th grade Art at Clark Middle School. If you ever miss writing down the Daily Objectives you can view them here, write them down and get them stamped for credit.  The previous objectives are added to this slide show, as they're updated during the school year. Click on the  Index linking the previous objectives for thoses dates. You may also draw any of the "Daily Doodles" from the above Slides Show, to receive full credit for them, in the event of absences.

These are the codes and direct links for Google Classroom

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Digital District Art Exhibit 2024

Click the image of the Syllabus to view/download it.

Image of the SDUSD Middle School Sports logo
Schedules for Basketball & Track
SDUSD icon
image of an hourglass
Photo of Janel Meehan
In memory of Janel Meehan, click the photo, to read her obituary.
San Diego High Basketball Magazine Cover
Image: Pure Gamma 40 Hz (Brain seen through illustrated man's skull)